Best Train The Training Program In India

Refund Policy for Training and Coaching Services:

At Dipesh Sompura, we are committed to providing high-quality training and coaching services to help you achieve your personal and professional goals. To ensure transparency and clarity, we have established the following non-refundable policy for our services:

Non-Refundable Policy for Training and Coaching Services

We appreciate your interest in our training and coaching services. To ensure a fair and consistent experience for all clients, we have established the following non-refundable policy for our training and coaching business:

1. Payment and Registration:

  • Payment for training and coaching services must be made in full before the program or coaching sessions commence.
  • Your registration and participation are considered confirmed once payment is received and processed.

2. Cancellation and Rescheduling:

  • If you have once confirmed the registration and want to cancel it, there will be no refund under any circumstances.
  • In exceptional circumstances, we may consider rescheduling options, but refunds will not be issued.

3. Non-Refundable Nature of Services:

  • Our training and coaching services are highly personalized and tailored to your specific needs and goals.
  • Once the program or coaching sessions commence, our trainers and coaches invest significant time, effort, and resources in providing you with valuable guidance, materials, and support.
  • Due to the customized nature of our services, we are unable to offer refunds once the program or sessions have begun.

4. Satisfaction and Support:

  • We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction and success in our training and coaching programs.
  • If you encounter any concerns or issues during the program or coaching sessions, please communicate with us promptly, and we will make every effort to address them and provide appropriate support.

5. Exceptions:

  • In rare cases where extenuating circumstances prevent your participation in the program or coaching sessions, we may consider exceptions and alternative arrangements on a case-by-case basis.
  • Such exceptions will be evaluated at our discretion, taking into account the specific circumstances and impact on both parties.

6. Contact Information:

  • For any questions or concerns regarding our non-refundable policy or to discuss specific situations, please reach out to our customer support team at & 9875853797.

Please carefully review this non-refundable policy before enrolling in our training and coaching services. By proceeding with the payment, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to the terms outlined above.

Note: This non-refundable policy is subject to change without prior notice. For updates or revisions, please refer to the most recent version available on our website.

Best Train The Training Program In India



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